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Quiet Luxury has unironically been making a lot of ‘noise’

In a world often captivated by grand displays of opulence and flamboyant lifestyles, there has been a subtle revolution brewing—a movement towards quiet luxury. Contrary to its name, this understated approach to elegance has been making quite a bit of noise in recent times. As more individuals seek a departure from the ostentatious culture of conspicuous consumption, the rise of quiet luxury can be attributed to several key factors.

One of the main reasons behind the growing popularity of quiet luxury is a shift in societal values. In an era where mindfulness and authenticity are highly valued, the loud and flashy displays of wealth no longer hold the same appeal they once did. Instead, people are seeking a more refined, nuanced expression of success. Quiet luxury allows individuals to showcase their discerning taste, appreciation for quality, and an understated confidence that speaks volumes.

Furthermore, quiet luxury is closely intertwined with the concept of sustainability. As environmental concerns continue to gain prominence, more individuals are consciously choosing to embrace a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Quiet luxury aligns perfectly with this ethos by emphasizing the value of timeless design, longevity, and a focus on craftsmanship. It encourages a shift away from disposable, fast-fashion items towards investment pieces that can be cherished for years to come. The resulting reduced environmental impact resonates with a generation committed to a more responsible and conscious way of living.

Social media has also played a significant role in amplifying the message of quiet luxury. While platforms like Instagram are often associated with displays of excess, there has been a notable counter-movement. Influencers, tastemakers, and celebrities are now championing the elegance of subtlety and showcasing the beauty of quiet luxury to their massive followings. By sharing their curated spaces, mindful consumption choices, and tastefully understated outfits, they inspire others to embrace a more refined aesthetic and lifestyle.

Moreover, the appeal of quiet luxury lies in its timelessness. In a rapidly changing world driven by fleeting trends, the enduring elegance of subtle refinement holds a lasting allure. It transcends the limitations of fashion fads and instead focuses on cultivating a personal style that is immune to the passage of time. Quiet luxury allows individuals to express themselves authentically, free from the constraints of external validation or the need to constantly chase the latest fads.

The rise of quiet luxury also reflects a deeper desire for inner fulfillment. In a society often plagued by stress, noise, and information overload, the pursuit of a more tranquil and serene existence has become paramount. Quiet luxury offers an escape from the chaos by encouraging individuals to appreciate life's simple pleasures, find solace in minimalistic spaces, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. It allows individuals to prioritize experiences over material possessions, fostering a deeper connection with oneself and others.

In conclusion, the phenomenon of quiet luxury making a lot of "noise" can be attributed to its alignment with shifting societal values, its resonance with sustainability, the influence of social media, its timeless appeal, and its ability to provide a sense of inner fulfilment. As more individuals seek to strike a balance between elegance and authenticity, the understated charm of quiet luxury continues to capture hearts and minds. In a world craving substance over superficiality, this movement serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, it's the whispers that make the most profound impact.

- Sneha Gahir, Luxury Club Member, 2023-25


The Luxury Strategy" by Jean-Noël Kapferer and Vincent Bastien: Kapferer, J. N., & Bastien, V. (2012, September 3). The Luxury Strategy. Kogan Page Publishers.

Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster by Dana Thomas :Thomas, D. (2015, January 29). Deluxe. Penguin UK.

The Business of Fashion. (2023, September 1). The Business of Fashion.

Bakshi, S. (2023, August 21). Quiet Luxury: A New Trend? Fibre2Fashion.


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